Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fundamental Differences Between Liberals and Conservatives:

Liberals want to force everyone to do things their way. Conservatives live by the principle of free agency, allowing people to act for themselves, and learn from it- as long it does not infringe on the personal free agency of others.

Monday, December 27, 2010

2010... the Year the Ideals of the Founding Fathers Were Thrown out the window

So I thought I would take a few minutes and sum up all the major decisions, controversies, legislation by President Obama, Congress, and and a few federal judges. Also worth mention will be the elections.

  • THe Cleanup of Haiti mostly dominated the news in early January. It was good to see the world unite to help these people out.

  • In mid-February, President Obama unveiled his revamped healthcare bill... 1000 more pages added on to it, with legislation written in that has nothing to do with healthcare, including new regulation of all new student loans being processed through the Fed. It passed within a month, on March 21. It was the largest reform to pass through congress since FDR's New Deal... and it was done against the will of the people.

  • Immigration reform once again resurfaced. Blah. Gratefully, the Senate killed the DREAM act, which would have caused even more federal spending.

  • One of my favorite events from this past year was Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally. It was good to see that so many people are looking for morality in America, and trust in our politicians and other leaders.

  • The Elections showed that there is still hope for America, where the super-majority of Democrats in both houses were diminished.

While they kept a majority in the Senate, and Harry Reid kept his seat at majority leader, the Democrats took quite the beating in the house, ending the ever-polarizing Nancy Pelosi's day of power, an event celebrated by conservatives and moderates all over America.

Enter at Stage Right-wing: John Boehner. I think he'll do a marvelous job. See ya, Nancy.

  • Resurfacing also this year was the Prop 8 debate in California, where said proposition passed in 2008, banning homosexual "marriages". It was brought to court in 2010, and was ruled "unconstitutional" . . . by a homosexual judge. I personally see this as non-sequitur, and an appellate court sees this false reasoning as something worth hearing. Undoubtedly, this will have to be decided by the Supreme Court of the United States. My opinion: the people spoke, Judge Walker. You were wrong.

  • WikiLeaks became headline news in late November. It is defined by Wikipedia (not affiliated) as "an international non-profit organization that publishes submissions of private, secret, and classified media from anonymous news sources and news leaks." This is something I have honestly been expecting to happen, as much as I hate it. I do hope we can try these guys, because they are undoubtedly responsible for deaths of soldiers, federal agents, and journalists as we continue to fight the war in Afghanistan. I hope Julian Assange is tried and hanged.

  • President Obama actually did something good in December, and extended Bush-era tax cuts to all Americans, not just the poor. I applaud this decision, and hope he makes more along these lines.

  • Federal Spending continued to increase, however, bringing the national debt to almost $14 Trillion, with a massive deficit of well over $1 Trillion . . . and federal spending continued to climb. If anything destroys our country, it will be this, because those in power subscribe to Keynesian economics, and believe that spending creates money.

from the hand of Glenn Beck...

"As the Romans found out the hard way,

just because it looks like Freedom,

doesn't mean it is."