The bus began to move, and I stuck up a nice conversation with the lady next to me, who was headed the same direction as me and showed me the connections I needed to make to get up to school. She was really great, a God-send, really.
However, the train had finally moved, again intercepting my path, and you know what? The danged thing stopped again.
We eventually made it up to the commuter bus at the transfer station, after about a 20 minute wait, and I was able to catch up on sleep, accompanied by some rather strange dreams. Here's the best part: I walked into class approximately 45 minutes after the start, and you know what? I caught right up and finished the assignment/activity right along with everyone else. My classmates were a bit blown away (and creeped out by the fact that I has sneaked in so quietly)
And you had better believe that I got extra credit for the day.
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