While I am a little leery regarding the subject of open carry of weapons today, I believe that restricting weapons completely in an area is unwise and self-defeating, because criminals who have the intent to kill obviously have little regard for the law that forbids us to murder, so why would they listen to a sign or a statute, which would make it a lesser crime, telling them to keep their gun out of a certain area?
Anti-gun lobbyists in the Association for Student Conduct Adminstration, The Associaion of College and University Housing officers- International, and the National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association, issued a statement as to why they believe that students should not be allowed to carry concealed weapons on campus, including accidental discharge of the weapon, risk of thievery, risk of suicide, and the fact that some students don’t want to be around guns or someone who carries a weapon. This statement also claims that security measures have been taken to protect students, who, they claim, are less likely to become victims of violent crimes. They also worry about the school’s liability if the student were to lawfully possess and carry a gun. (1)
I see little to no relevance in each of these claims in comparison the duty that is had in allowing a human the right to protect his or her own life. It is also irrelevant because the United States Constitution specifically states that we have this right to protect ourselves. It is illogical, because there have been few reported incidents of gun thievery on campuses; allowing students to keep guns in dorm rooms has never been experimented with, and I have not been able to find any statistics on this subject. Those who tell us that the guns would be stolen are only theorizing.
Telling us that security measures can help keep us safe is an empty and hollow promise, as we have seen on numerous occasions, the worst being Virginia Tech in 2007, and the students that are members of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus posted this poster and ones of a similar nature all around Winona State University in Minnesota, to prove that point.
Human life is worth being defended. Those who think that a simple sign can accomplish that purpose need to wake up and look at not only what has happened, but how it happened and how it can be avoided or mitigated in the future.
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