Saturday, July 31, 2010

Newt Says it Right

Newt Gingirich is fairly moderate, and I disagree with him a lot of the time, but he really hits it spot-on, here. This is about 10 minutes long, but I really recommend.

They're going about it the wrong way

You know, I haven't ever really said much about immigration up until now. But I feel like there are a couple of points that need to be made.

  • Immigration should be done the legal way. If you break that law, you should be deported. I'm not thinking we have to bar these people from ever coming here again, but only legally. Border patrol should be stepped up. We should be less tolerant of those who violate our sovereignty. But we should continue to welcome those who want to come here legally and live the American Dream.

  • Arizona has the right idea. They are simply doing the job that the Federal government should be doing, but refuses to do because of the politically incorrect nature of it. They have the right to check to see if someone should be in their state legally. There is nothing in the United States Constitution against it. Meantime, Mexico is getting a little worked up, to say the least...

The Democrats (and any incumbent really) really have to play their cards right this coming election of they want to stay in office. I would personally like to see them hang themselves, along with their socialist/environmentalist/politically correct agenda, and get a conservative majority back in there. But, if they want to stay there, they're not doing it well. Any smart politician knows you have to move to the center in both word and action if you want to stay in action. The Democrats are continually moving full speed ahead directly to the left, particularly on this issue of immigration reform. Taking the State of Arizona to court over this issue is political suicide, and will only make the people angrier than they already are.

Summary: The Dems are screwing up, big time. I'm not stopping them, though. Go for it, Mr. President. And hopefully we'll be calling your friends Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid by their new title, Minority Leader if they're able to maintain their congressional offices at all.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Obama Blunders: they never stop.

So i read on Fox News this afternoon that President Barak Obama will not be attending the National Jamboree for the Boy Scouts of America. Up to this point, President Obama has done things that have not been politically wise, to say the least, if he wants to win conservatives over to his side. However, this latest move of his of staying away from the Boy Scouts has indeed solidified, in my mind, with this very direct and bold silent statement that he wants to depart from traditional American values and our way of living.

Indeed, he has made a point of trying to move our country toward mainstream Hollywood values. Perhaps I wouldn't be as offended if this was just a normal Jamboree, but indeed, it's the 100th anniversary of the Boy Scouts. Whether he likes the organization or not, it's one of the few left that saves boys from the deceptions of the world.

And to add insult to injury, he's not going to a big convention, a United Nations meeting, or something super-important. He's going to simply be taping with the ladies from The View.

Really, Mr. President?

...I swear, it's almost like he's more worried about being famous than he is about running this country effectively...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So it's been four years since I have been able to attend the Especially for Youth (EFY) program, which is run by BYU and the Church Educational System of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a participant in the program. (In those four years, I spent two of them serving a mission for said Church, a year working, and this past year in school, studying business.)

When I was offered the opportunity to be involved with EFY as a counselor, I jumped on it, because I saw the benefits it gave me as I participated, and I felt like I owed a debt to the Lord and to the program. It was a nice break and a bit of a relief to get out of the norm and serve the youth (teenagers 14-18) of the Church and help them along in the quest to find themselves and their faith. It really caused me to reflect on the things I believe and why I believe them.
I feel like sometimes, we just skate along and feel like we're doing alright. But this past month or so while I was away, being so closely involved with these kids who really wanted to know if all this is true, I made a point of doing exactly what they were doing: focusing on the basics. And you know what? My testimony grew a little stronger.
The theme this year was "Courage to Stand Strong." My personal resolve is to now make a stronger effort to stand for the things I know to be correct in action- even if that means standing up to members of my own faith, as we were counseled by the living prophet, Thomas S. Monson.

I have a feeling this won't be the easiest thing, but I promised those kids I would take home with me what I learned...