So it's been four years since I have been able to attend the Especially for Youth (EFY) program, which is run by BYU and the Church Educational System of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a participant in the program. (In those four years, I spent two of them serving a mission for said Church, a year working, and this past year in school, studying business.)
When I was offered the opportunity to be involved with EFY as a counselor, I jumped on it, because I saw the benefits it gave me as I participated, and I felt like I owed a debt to the Lord and to the program. It was a nice break and a bit of a relief to get out of the norm and serve the youth (teenagers 14-18) of the Church and help them along in the quest to find themselves and their faith. It really caused me to reflect on the things I believe and why I believe them.
I feel like sometimes, we just skate along and feel like we're doing alright. But this past month or so while I was away, being so closely involved with these kids who really wanted to know if all this is true, I made a point of doing exactly what they were doing: focusing on the basics. And you know what? My testimony grew a little stronger.
The theme this year was "Courage to Stand Strong." My personal resolve is to now make a stronger effort to stand for the things I know to be correct in action- even if that means standing up to members of my own faith, as we were counseled by the living prophet, Thomas S. Monson.
I have a feeling this won't be the easiest thing, but I promised those kids I would take home with me what I learned...
EFY is basically the best thing ever invented, best week of my life ever. I'm glad you got to do it.