Sunday, July 26, 2009

....that was it.

So I finally found out her name. I was on cloud nine all weekend, talking myself into going up to her today at church at talking to her. And you know what?

She's moving. Gone. Bye bye. Perhaps it's just not meant to be.

That's all.


However, I went on a date this past weekend with an entirely different and completely lovely young lady. We (meaning me and my buddy Sean) cooked dinner, pasta and salad, all the while hearing Sean gripe and moan about being set up on a blind date and going to the beach in general. But then the girls showed up, and off we went to the beach.
Sean and his date hit it off pretty well, and of course I was happy about who I was with :)
I brought along some awesome pineapple soda, and proceeded to forget to bring a bottle opener... so after we got to the beach, we went around to all the local shops, finally stooping low enough to have a nearby bar open the for us. Truly the only time I've been grateful for one of those places...

1 comment:

  1. Well... now you can say you've had a drink at a bar. That'd be great for that 2 truths and a lie game!

    Also, I brought the cd of owl city everything, but you are not here to appreciate it.
