Friday, August 21, 2009

Road Trippin'

It sure wasn't easy to say goodbye to home after only being there for 2 months since finishing the mission, but leaving is the right thing to do, at least for now. It has been nice being with my family, that's for sure... But, the road rose up like a welcome mat, once we did leave.
So this time I really am trippin'. Ha. It's been really cool to see so much that I've never seen before, such as the great Mississippi River, or the Arch, or other such nifty things. My sister has proven a good travel companion, as well.
I do get a kick and some reassurance of Mom calling every few hours to check on us. And of course, it was great to see Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Allie and the boys. Too bad Kevin couldn't come up from Signal Mountain....
The best thing that's occured is the minimal amount of gas we've had to put in the car... :)
One thing, however, I can do without is construction zones. I really dislike how they put those concrete barriers so close to the edge of your lane...

More on the trip later, pics to come.

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