Friday, January 1, 2010

2009: a review of the year socialism took over America, courtesy President Barak Obama

Normally, I am not a harbinger of doom. I generally look at the world, and see things with a positive outlook. If you ask my friends, I will normally tell them, if they are stressing over a situation, that I'm sure things will work out and it will be alright. Being an optimist is something I feel has become one of my great characteristics.
However, I am bothered over the events of this past year. I thought I would offer my opinion on the past year, and an outlook, bleak as it may be, on the coming 2010.
A little less than a year ago, I was serving as a full-time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was mostly out of the loop, as missionaries disconnect themselves from the world as they serve, meaning no news, no TV, no newspaper, no internet except email to communicate with family back home, relying on the members of the Church in the area to keep them informed on the current events of the world.
As we were visiting some less-active members of the Church on election night 2008, they did have the TV on. I observed for a few minutes, as Senator McCain conceded the election to then-Senator Obama. My only thoughts, amidst the celebratory atmosphere, were, "We're screwed."
Barak Hussein Obama took office two short months later. I later read, after returning home, his inauguration speech, his promise for "Change", how he failed to acknowledge President George W. Bush's accomplishments, and how he was taking the office of presidency under "Dark times."
The Change came very quickly, with a super-majority of the Democrats in office. Special interest groups, such as ACORN, who are known for advocating things such as prostitution, and defense of laws that stand in violation of the United States Constitution, such as a law limiting gun purchases to one a month in New Jersey (the law was struck down, FYI). Healthcare "for all Americans" was pushed forward, against the will of the vast majority of the people, because we understood that this would limit our ability to compete and maintain our capitalistic way of life.

I am now beginning a series, in an effort to review how full 2009 was of Obama-mishaps, socialization and outright attempts to violate the Constitution of this great country. I invite you to take each of these into consideration, as we will be choosing congress representatives and senators, and many of the incumbents are in close cahoots with the President and fully back this agenda of his.

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