Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Spending and Taxing

This morning, my dad and I were listening to Glenn Beck together on the way to a doctor's appointment. This is a regular occurrence, and the conversation turned from current events, to the root thereof: the liberal agenda of heavy taxation of all people, not just the rich, as they would have you believe. It reminded me of the old addage, that the power to tax is the power to destroy.

I then observed to my dad that we are, quite literally, taxed about 50% of all our earnings. When I worked for Publix Supermarkets, a for-profit corporation, social security, federal income taxes, and such, took $5000 of my $10,000 income. I would get approximately $600 back from my tax return.

I work for a non-profit school right now, so I don't have to deal with that because my income is below the taxable bracket. But I have become more and more sour about this as time has progressed. The Book of Mormon talks about a people who had the same problem, as their own government taxed them one fifth of all they owned, and the difficulty that this caused. At the same point in time, there was another people who, through their wickedness, had come to be in bondage to their enemies, who taxed them one half of all their labors and possessions. It makes it very clear that this is not okay in the eyes of the Lord, but that through obedience to His laws, and much prayer and supplication to Him, we can get through this, as we make the effort to overcome and work our way out of such dire circumstances.

The TEA Party has caught my attention. In case you didn't know, the name is an acronym that stands for "Taxed Enough Already".

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