Friday, August 13, 2010

Summer Sales

I am a man of strong, biased opinions. That much should be clear from my past posts. Now- I am going to say some offensive things in this post. Get ready to have your eyebrows raised, or stop reading right now. The choice is yours.

Summer sales is a scam.

Yes, I said it, loud and clear. Why? Because it's not fair to any one who partakes in it on an ordinary level, especially honest people. I have had a large number of friends do it. Those who were honest, and I mean completely and totally honest, make almost no money. Customers are fooled into believing that the salesman isn't really a sales man. The companies lies to their employees telling them they can make 20k in a summer. I had a friend who went out for a month. He was honest. He made about $2000 (maybe less).

I have had my experiences, with these companies. I would say that the worst is probably APX. I almost got talked into working for them this past summer. I worked a couple of pre-season sales with my manager and his assistant. I watched them and had them attempt to teach me deceitful practices that made me uncomfortable, and I knew that if I gave into presenting myself in such a manner, I would not be qualified to hold a temple recommend for temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They would justify it and call it "good business." I can hardly agree, since several states, including New York, Minnesota, and others have banned these companies from going door-to-door to sell their products.

I have had several close friends tell me that their companies, Pinnacle, Terminix, Orkin, etc. have encouraged similar practices. I would encourage anyone who is with these companies to take a good look at them. If you feel like you can work for them honestly, and make a lot of money, then go for it. But I know it would not have been wise for me.

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